ydktest_sanity_typedefs module
Data Classes
Enum Classes
- AaaAccountStatus
- AaaAuthenticationProtocol
- AaaBoolean
- AaaClear
- AaaCmdType
- AaaKeyEnc
- AaaKeyEncUserPass
- AaaLdapSSLStrictnessLevel
- AaaLoggingLevel
- AaaMonitorServerType
- AaaNoRolePolicy
- AaaProviderGroupProtocol
- AaaProviderState
- AaaPwdPolicy
- AaaRadSrvUseType
- AaaRealm
- AaaRuleAccessType
- AaaRulePermissionType
- AaaRuleScopeType
- AaaUserRolePrivType
- AcBankT
- AcRuleOperSt
- AclActionType
- AclHttpOptionType
- AclVAclActionType
- ActionAdminSt
- ActionOperSt
- ActionType
- ActrlDirection
- ActrlOperSt
- ActrlRuleT
- ActrlcapSubj
- AdjacencyAdjOperSt
- AdjacencyDbT
- AggregateAdminState
- AggregateAfT
- AggregateBfdStatus
- AggregateBooleanFlag
- AggregateConfTmplStatus
- AggregateConfigMgmtStatus
- AggregateConfigSourceType
- AggregateConfigStatus
- AggregateCtrlrType
- AggregateFabFwdMode
- AggregateHostReachabilityMode
- AggregateIngressRepProtocolType
- AggregateIntfAssignMode
- AggregateIntfType
- AggregateMacType
- AggregateOperState
- AggregateReplicationModeType
- AggregateResourceStatus
- AggregateRttPType
- AggregateTunnelType
- AggregateVpcKeepaliveStatus
- AggregateVpcOperStatus
- AggregateVpcPeerLinkStatus
- AibDbT
- AnalyticsCModeT
- AnalyticsCollVersion
- AnalyticsDefPolicyT
- AnalyticsDirectionT
- AnalyticsFltType
- AnalyticsModeT
- AnalyticsOperSt
- AnalyticsSamplerMode
- ArpAdjOperSt
- ArpDbT
- ArpEventLogSize
- ArpEventType
- ArpLoggingLevel
- ArpOpcode
- ArpStAdjOperSt
- ArpStAdjOperStQual
- ArpSuppressArpMode
- BdDefaultSVIAutoState
- BfdAfT
- BfdAuthT
- BfdDiagCode
- BfdOperSt
- BfdTrkMbrLnk
- BgpAdminSt
- BgpAdvertL2vpnEvpn
- BgpAdvtMapCondition
- BgpAfT
- BgpAsSegT
- BgpAsSet
- BgpAsnPropagation
- BgpBmpSt
- BgpDomOperSt
- BgpEgressPeerEng
- BgpEhType
- BgpEvpnRtType
- BgpLogNbrSt
- BgpLsAdminSt
- BgpLsAttrEntryType
- BgpLsNlriType
- BgpLsProtoId
- BgpMajNotifErr
- BgpMaxPfxAct
- BgpMinNotifErr
- BgpMode
- BgpMvpnRtType
- BgpOrigin
- BgpPasswdSet
- BgpPathSt
- BgpPathT
- BgpPeerFabType
- BgpPeerGrSt
- BgpPeerOperSt
- BgpPeerType
- BgpPfxSidAttrEntryType
- BgpPmsiTunType
- BgpPrivateASControl
- BgpRtCtrlDir
- BgpRtCtrlOperSt
- BgpRttPType
- BgpShutStQual
- BgpSoftReconfigBackup
- BgpStReason
- BgpSummaryOnly
- BgpTblSt
- BgpVer
- CapRaiseFaultState
- CapRuleT
- CapScope
- CdpDevIdT
- CdpDuplex
- CdpOperSt
- CdpOperStQual
- CdpVer
- CompHostState
- CompNicInstType
- CompNicState
- CompVendor
- CompatFilterStatus
- ConftmplOperationType
- ConftmplTemplateType
- CoopAdjOperSt
- CoopAdjOperStQual
- CoopDampAction
- CoopDomOperSt
- CoopDomOperStQual
- CoopRepT
- CoopRole
- CoopSynthGen
- TopMode
Revision: 2018-01-30
- This module contains 461 typedef statements copied from NXOS Device YANG Model
The module created to test YDK with newer version of libyang library, which supports more than 255 typedef statements