Enum Classes
- class Components.Component.Transceiver.State
Class Hierarchy :
This class represents state data.
Operational state data for client port transceivers
- enabled
Turns power on / off to the transceiver -- provides a means to power on/off the transceiver (in the case of SFP, SFP+, QSFP,…) or enable high-power mode (in the case of CFP, CFP2, CFP4) and is optionally supported (device can choose to always enable). True = power on / high power, False = powered off
type: bool
config: False
- form_factor
Indicates the type of optical transceiver used on this port. If the client port is built into the device and not plugable, then non-pluggable is the corresponding state. If a device port supports multiple form factors (e.g. QSFP28 and QSFP+, then the value of the transceiver installed shall be reported. If no transceiver is present, then the value of the highest rate form factor shall be reported (QSFP28, for example). The form factor is included in configuration data to allow pre-configuring a device with the expected type of transceiver ahead of deployment. The corresponding state leaf should reflect the actual transceiver type plugged into the system
type: one of the below values:
config: False
- present
Indicates whether a transceiver is present in the specified client port
config: False
- connector_type
Connector type used on this port
type: one of the below values:
config: False
- internal_temp
Internally measured temperature in degrees Celsius. MSA valid range is between -40 and +125C. Accuracy shall be better than +/- 3 degC over the whole temperature range
type: int
range: -40..125
config: False
- vendor
Full name of transceiver vendor. 16-octet field that contains ASCII characters, left-aligned and padded on the right with ASCII spaces (20h)
type: str
length: 1..16
config: False
- vendor_part
Transceiver vendor’s part number. 16-octet field that contains ASCII characters, left-aligned and padded on the right with ASCII spaces (20h). If part number is undefined, all 16 octets = 0h
type: str
length: 1..16
config: False
- vendor_rev
Transceiver vendor’s revision number. 2-octet field that contains ASCII characters, left-aligned and padded on the right with ASCII spaces (20h)
type: str
length: 1..2
config: False
- ethernet_compliance_code
Ethernet PMD that the transceiver supports. The SFF/QSFP MSAs have registers for this and CFP MSA has similar
type: one of the below values:
config: False
- sonet_sdh_compliance_code
SONET/SDH application code supported by the port
type: one of the below values:
config: False
- otn_compliance_code
OTN application code supported by the port
type: one of the below values:
config: False
- serial_no
Transceiver serial number. 16-octet field that contains ASCII characters, left-aligned and padded on the right with ASCII spaces (20h). If part serial number is undefined, all 16 octets = 0h
type: str
length: 1..16
config: False
- date_code
Representation of the transceiver date code, typically stored as YYMMDD. The time portion of the value is undefined and not intended to be read
type: str
pattern: \d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}(\.\d+)?(Z|[\+\-]\d{2}:\d{2})
config: False
- fault_condition
Indicates if a fault condition exists in the transceiver
type: bool
config: False