RESTCONF Service Provider

class ydk.providers.RestconfServiceProvider(repo, address, username, password, port, encoding)

Constructs an instance of the RestconfServiceProvider to connect to a server which has to support model download. Since the class is a Python wrapper for C++ RestconfServiceProvider class, which has clean up methods implemented in its destructor. The user does not need to worry about close RESTCONF session.

  • repo – (Repository) User provided repository stores cached models

  • address – (str) IP address of the device supporting a restconf interface

  • username – (str) Username to log in to the device

  • password – (str) Password to log in to the device

  • port – (int) Device port used to access the restconf interface, the default value being 80

  • encoding – (EncodingFormat) Type of encoding to be used for the payload, the default being JSON


Returns the type of encoding supported by the service provider.


Returns the instance of the NetconfSession used to connect to the netconf server


A NetconfSession instance.